Tuesday, July 5, 2011

SuMMer FuN!

So it is only the beginning of Summer and already we have been busy, busy, busy. I feel like it has been going on since June 15th when Cassin came home because we have had all the Memmott family up to visit in Canada. Family is so fun even if it can get extremely crazy when we are all together. Bailey taught us how to find our inner laugh and run across the barn while screaming and flailing our arms. Who knew it could be so fun? It does require a little practice though or you can do bodily harm with your flailing arms.(learned that first hand) 

The first big outing was to Writing on Stone Park on the 24th with the Gurney's and The Wilson's.(Last day of School) It has been years since I have been there but I have great memories of it. We had a slow start getting there when Lori forgot their swimsuits and I offered to turn around on the highway and go back to get the cologne soaked bag(Brigg had dropped it over the railing not realizing it had the bottle inside). When I arrived at the barn my car smelled very hot and then smoke started coming out the front and side of the engine. We had blown some cap and antifreeze(all of it) was everywhere over the engine. I guess you could look at it as a blessing that we had come back and it hadn't happened half way to Writing on Stone or once we got there and had no way back. We did a quick trip to the dump(garbage in the back of grandpa's truck) and then switched veHicles and we were off again.  

Writing on stone was FanTAstIC! It changes over the years as trees grow and they add paths and create a fantastic visitors center. I was really glad we had decided to go. I really want to put it on the great things to do list. We had a lot of fun taking pictures in the Hoodoos (What's a Hoodoo? you ask. That is what writing on Stone park is all about. You drive across the prairies and suddenly drop down into all these natural rock formation that just seem to appear out of nowhere.) We then went swimming in the river and the kids had a mud bath on the banks. Danny ran a marathon to save a dollar store floaty that disappeared down the river. ( We worried for a while he had had a heart attack and we would have to get a tracker to find him. But then we heard a whistle and saw him miles away on one of the far Hoodoo's, orange floaty in hand. WAY TO GO DANNY!) It was a great start to Summer:







Nashville, Tennessee


New York, New York North