Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Waterton 2011

We hadn't even been to Waterton this summer so we figured we had better remedy that and head on up. It was a beautiful sunny non windy day in Stirling so we thought it should be about perfect in Waterton, and we weren't disappointed at all. It is such a picturesque place to be, surrounded by nature. Just relaxing and taking in the beauty of God's creation. It was a great day to be with the family and just enjoy.

View from the window

Waterton Lake

Cameron Falls

Tourist Bus

Deer everywhere

View hiking up to the falls

Brandon at the lookout

Prince of Whales Hotel

Skipping rocks

Baby Fawn-the mom was across the street

Somebody wanted to go to church

Cassin's idea of picturesque. There were 5 of them.

Stirling Days 2011

Once again Stirling days has rolled around. We had beautiful weather which made the day that much nicer. We were up for the pancake breakfast because we had run in the 5K at 7 am. and the parade didn't start till 11 am which makes it all feel not so rushed. It was also nice because no one had a float to get ready or a bike to decorate we could just sit back, relax, watch the parade and, Get Candy! Lots of Candy! The stirling parade is the best parade because it is short and sweet and full of Candy throwing people. Everyone throws candy and Lots of it. We have sat in Uncle Daryl and Aunt Carol's yard for as long as I can remember. It is tradition, and now everyone is married and has kids of their own and the numbers just keep growing. Some years there are only a few but this year there was a big crowd, and everyone of those kids had a huge bag of candy to take home. We always know that the swimming pool float is going to try and soak everyone on the lawn so all the adults run for the back when we see the lifeguards and let the kids get wet. It is just a big celebration of a small town and all the goodness that it holds. I love Stirling Days!

Ella and Sam

Getting ready for the fun to start

sitting back and relaxing

Thought he didn't like the puppy????

we may be small town but we do it up BIG

Stirling 1st ward float

Brother Richardson wrote and published a book 

Watch out for the lifeguards. I think they were after Cassin this year

Nelson Family 

Stirling Lions ( I think that horse has been in the parade since I was  a kid)

Look at all those kids and candy

Wore achi out

Grandpa Don and Uncle Daryl

Grandma Char and fin


Stirling 5K Pajama Race

I said once was enough to last me a lifetime when I ran the Stirling 5k last year for the first time and yet once again I found myself running it (though this time not alone and not without spectator support). Would you call me a caver to peer pressure, a follower, or just a plain old wimp that can't be left out when everybody is doing it. This year it was a family affair. Maddi, Brandon, and myself ran along with Jody, Dano, Slade, Bailey, and Tera. Yay for us!!! It was actually a lot more fun this year. We had a theme race. The Pajama Race, with prizes for best bed head, smelly morning breath, cutest p.j.'s  and a lot more. I felt a great deal more in shape this year and it made the run easier. I am no where at the front of the pack more like the back but it was a great run. Maddi ran with Aunt Tera and I. Everyone else took off at the front. Brandon came in first for the family with Jody and Bailey coming in next. Everyone had a great time. Maddi won the cutest p.j. prize. She got a $10 I-tunes card.  Brandon won a draw of a Free swimming lesson( He wasn't too impressed but I was because it payed for Kaitlin's swim lessons) Tera won a really cute pink jacket (Not  Fair!!). Jeff, Kaitlin, and Grandma Char were our cheer team. It was a great race. Lots of fun. Maybe we'll have to do it again next year.... we'll wait and see.
The Running Crew (I think Dano was still asleep)

Enjoying a muffin after the race

Miss Maddi won a prize

For being a cutie patootie

Really not fair...should have been mine.

Wish I could look that beautiful after a race!!!

Newest Member of our family!

Meet Achilles. Newest addition to the menagerie we call the Tanner Family. Why, you ask? Well just look at that face...

Just don't ever go look if you don't want one. That is my new motto. I received a call from a friend in town informing me that Jeff had dibbsed (don't know how to spell it) one of her puppies back in May, and she was checking to see if he still wanted it. NO! I said immediately. But I figured I should check with him even though why really because I had heard no mention of a puppy before this. Of course he wanted it still and my big mistake was Just going to look. 
How can you look at that and not just melt. I know I am a big sucker!
We brought him home on July 14th . The first night he cried most of the night and Jeff dumped him on Cassin. (Who had emphatically said no way we do not need another dog) The next night though Jeff put the puppy outside with Kye to sleep. All I can say is SORRY NEIGHBORS!
Poor little Achi was crying his heart out. Poor Kye was wondering why she had to be locked in the kennel with the crazy little thing and Poor Kaitlin was in the house sobbing because her poor puppy was crying. Me, I just crawled into bed and let Jeff handle it. Poor Neighbors. That puppy cried for a long long time and then started again in the middle of the night. The next night was a bit better. He didn't cry for as long a time and each night it has gotten better. 
Kye is a pretty good momma to Achilles. She puts up with his jumping and chewing and wrestling quite well. She does loose her patience once in a while and I've noticed she smashes him flat once in a while to let him know who's boss. 






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