First and foremost I am a wife to my best friend,and mother to 6 awsome kids. I love where I am in my life. I love reading and getting active so I stay in shape. I love traveling and family vacations. I am always trying to improve and be better in any way that I can, physically, spiritually, intellectually, and any other way I can think of. I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and I am a daughter of God!
9 Year old Kait keeps us all hoppin. She is always looking ahead to what needs to be done or what comes next. She is full of laughter and giggles. She loves reading Junie B Jones books and playing basketball and football with her friends.
Maddi is turning 12 in December. She has definitely started growing up. I have to fight her for the bathroom now. She has started playing volleyball and is up at 6am to make it to practice. She is busy taking care of her two guinea pigs, two cats, and since Kye had her 7 puppies...9 dogs. She is a fantastic babysitter and loves taking care of Brennae each week. Between piano, achievement days and everything else she is a very busy young woman.
A.J. has been playing football this year for the Raymond Comets. He is busy with practice everyday. It has really gotten him in great shape. I can't believe how tall he is getting. I think he passed me by a while ago. He loves hanging out with the guys and mumbles at me as he passes through. He is planning on playing basketball this year too. With seminary, school, sports, and friends he is always on the go.
Brandon is in grade 12 this year! I seriously cannot believe it. Where has the time gone. I think I still think of him as my little boy. He is constantly on the go with all his friends. He has a comment about everything and anything. I think my favorite thing about Brandon is his smile. It is his best asset along with the cute dimple in his cheek. He is into photography and likes graphic arts.
Cassin is living in Utah and attending Ameritech College for the Dental technition course. He is loving it. I think and I say think because he doesn't have a phone yet so he rarely calls me, that he is having a blast getting together with his missionary friends.
Dustin has less than 2 months left at school. He has really loved everything he is learning. He is really talented in this area so it is a great career choice for him. He is planning on moving to Boise, Idaho in December when he graduates. He has a job with a lab there and is looking forward to starting a new phase of his life.
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